Our Students

Singapore, being a multi-cultural country, must have a diverse group of people who wish to learn different languages like English, Mandarin, and Korean. Language students are well-accommodated by Learning Explorer with the top-quality resources and teaching skills. Learning Explorer, with its affiliates, offers services to language students appropriate for a wide range of age bracket. We also cater to business corporations to help them understand their clients better through language learning.


Children (1 – 18 years old)

Learning Explorer welcomes children as young as a one-year-old kid. Children, as compared to adults, are easier to pick up on new knowledge especially in understanding a completely foreign language. The nature of activities would be very interactive in the form of fun games, role-playing, and demonstrations with pictures and real objects.

For kids 5 to 18 years old, they are taught simple daily topics like greetings, numbers, and body parts. They are also taught to develop extensive reading and writing skills, as well as to make presentations with clear and comprehensive language structures and sentences.

Adults (over 18 years old)

Adults are taught for one of many purposes like improving their social or business communication skills, improving language speaking and writing skills, speaking the language with confidence and accuracy, and sharpening and refreshing their speech, pronunciation and communication skills.


Business Corporations

Big corporations in businesses are also welcome to learn foreign languages to understand their foreign clients easily. Linda Mandarin is a well-known Mandarin language solution provider for companies like Aberdeen, AVIVA, Barclays, ANZ, Boeing, Citibank, DHL, Canadian International School, Deutsche Bank, Tanglin Trust School, Paypal, MOF Singapore, Microsoft, NTU, ST Engineering and much more. Chinese Edge has corporations like AIA, CISCO, IATA, UBS Cargill, and HOYA as clients as well.


Visit our affiliates’ official websites to see testimonials from language students.
