We all want to grow in our chosen career path. This is where being multilingual can help immensely. Read on to know how fluency in multiple languages can improve your chances of professional growth.
1. Increases your chances of getting the job
As more and more multinational companies are mushrooming in the market, being multilingual can increase your chances of getting hired. Currently, multilingualism is dubbed as the hottest skill in the job market.
2. A second source of income
When you are multilingual, you can easily take up additional work like translation, teaching, interpretation etc. that can be used to supplement your day job. Teaching can also give you an opportunity to travel to different countries.
3. Bridges cultural gap
When you are multilingual, it becomes easy for you to get acquainted with people belonging to different cultures. When you learn a foreign country’s language, you also learn about its etiquettes and customs, which can go a long way in bridging cultural gaps. When people have knowledge about foreign culture, they are more mindful, considerate and aware of what kind of behaviour will help them in forging successful business relations.
4. More travel opportunities
When you are a multilingual employee in a company that has its office in different parts of the world, your chances of being sent to work on a project in that country is quite high. This fact remains true even when you are lower in post than a monolingual. You will be given preference by the company as they want to ensure effective communication between the offices.
5. Varied job opportunities
Being multilingual also increases the domains in which you can work. Every industry has a high demand for language, from engineering to public relations, media as well as marketing. When you supplement your technical skills with multilingualism, you can target even a very small niche. Multilinguals are in high demand even in prestigious international organisations such as the United Nations.
6. Increase in income
Multilinguals have a special skill added to their resumes that means increased revenue for the company. This translates into higher paycheques for the employee as well. The difference in the hourly pay between monolinguals and multilinguals can be between 5-20%. Don’t wait any longer and sign up for Mandarin classes in Singapore!
7. Brainpower
When you make an effort to learn foreign languages, you exercise those grey cells of your brain and make them sharper. People who are multilingual tend to perform better in terms of IQ as well as problem-solving tests as compared to people who are monolinguals. Intelligence flexibility is promoted when the brain shifts from one language to another.
We hope that these amazing advantages will force you to get out of your couches and sign up at a language learning centre today! Happy Learning!